Chrissy Gee
Position Board of Education Chair
Chrissy is a lifelong Lloydminster resident who completed her K-12 education in the Lloydminster Public School Division. She and her husband, Owen, have two children who both attend school in the LPSD. Chrissy has a volunteer spirit, she has spent almost twenty years volunteering as an in-school mentor with Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Lloydminster. She also serves as Vice-Chair of the School Community Council at ES Laird and Secretary of the SCC at Winston Churchill School. She had previously spent many years as the Chair of the Communications Committee at our division and was the LPSD representative with Public Schools of Saskatchewan. Chrissy truly values relationships and is a strong advocate for continuing to build positive experiences within our schools for students, staff and families. A cosmetologist by trade, she has worked in many areas of the industry, some including cosmetology teacher at LCHS and manager at a busy salon. For the last 10 plus years, she has successfully run her own small business, right here in Lloydminster. Knowing it is never too late for education, she most recently completed her yoga teacher training as well as a specialty yoga training. During a bi-election in 2015, Chrissy was elected to a vacant position on the Board at the LPSD. She takes great honor in this role and is excited to work collaboratively with trustees and administration to provide the best possible education experience for everyone in the Lloydminster Public School Division.