Lloydminister Public School Division

780-875-5541 Fax: 780-875-7829

5017 46 Street
Lloydminster, Alberta T9V 1R4

Melanie Mutter

Position Trustee

Melanie values lifelong learning, as well as school, family, and community connectivity. She believes collaboration and a keen awareness of changes within the greater environment, in addition to well-planned options for strategic approach, can help LPSD leadership and its trustees continue to encourage student academic and career success. Since 1993, Melanie has worked in Lloydminster in both private and public sector instructional and leadership roles. She currently teaches at Lakeland College and serves as the Chair of the LPSD Communications and Governance Committees. Melanie holds a BSc and an MBA in HR Leadership. Melanie and her husband Kelly have three children, educated from kindergarten to grade twelve within the Lloydminster Public School Division (LPSD). For the past 25 years, Melanie’s employment and volunteer service–with numerous community, provincial, and federal boards and working groups–provided many opportunities for her personal and professional growth. 

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