Lloydminister Public School Division

780-875-5541 Fax: 780-875-7829

5017 46 Street
Lloydminster, Alberta T9V 1R4

Karoline Kennedy

Position Vice-Chair

Karoline grew up in Shellbrook, Sask. where she attended school from Kindergarten to Grade 12. She has a Bachelor of Commerce degree from the University of Saskatchewan and is a CPA (Chartered Accountant). Her designation has provided the opportunity to live and work in Russia and other European countries where she was able to indulge in her passion for history and culture. Living in a foreign country has also been valuable in dealing with the complexities of a bi-provincial city. Karoline has served on the LPSD Board of Education since 2008 and is currently a member of three different committees within the division. She has recently completed a four-year term as Secretary-Treasurer of the Public Schools of Saskatchewan. Karoline believes in the value of education, which allows all people to reach their full potential. Karoline and her husband Dana operate a small business in Lloydminster.

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