Lloydminister Public School Division

780-875-5541 Fax: 780-875-7829

5017 46 Street
Lloydminster, Alberta T9V 1R4

Administrative Procedures

Administrative Procedure 165

Safe Schools


The Lloydminster Public School Division shall strive to ensure that each student and staff member is provided with a safe environment.  It is committed to creating and maintaining an environment in schools where students, staff, parents/caregivers, and others feel safe.  To this end, the Lloydminster Public School Division shall establish a protocol for responding to immediate risks within a building, student threatening behaviors, and traumatic events. (See Lloydminster Public School Division Emergency Response Plan http://www.lpsd.ca/download/39267 .)


  1. The Director of Education will ensure that Lloydminster Public School Division
    Administrative Procedures and emergency response plans, and related handbooks are
    reviewed on an annual basis and revised as required.
  2. The Director of Education will ensure that Principals and appropriate Lloydminster Public
    School Division office personnel are involved in emergency management training.
  3. The Director of Education or designate will develop and maintain a Lloydminster Public
    School Division Emergency Response Plan (http://www.lpsd.ca/download/39267) which:
    1. Establishes a school Traumatic Events Response Team (TERT) with assigned roles
      and responsibilities.
    2. Participates in a community response team coordinated with other community crisis
      response services such as the RCMP, and Mental Health.
    3. Provides for a safe and caring working and learning environment.
    4. Maintains a focus on prevention and early intervention as well as crisis management through VTRA response and non-violent crisis intervention training, etc.
    5. Outlines emergency procedures to follow in dealing with specific critical incidents.
    6. Provides Lloydminster Public School Division level support to schools as required.
    7. Uses, as a guide for action, appropriate consequences, decided collaboratively.
  4. When a crisis or perceived threat of a crisis occurs in one of the areas below, the Principal
    will immediately activate the appropriate response as outlined in Lloydminster Public
    School Division Emergency Response Plan (http://www.lpsd.ca/download/39267).
  5. At the beginning of the school year, Principals shall review with staff members, procedures to ensure that they remain consistent with the philosophy and intent of safe and caring schools. Provisions will be made to inform new staff members.
  6. The Director of Education or designate shall be notified of all crisis situations impacting or with the potential of impacting a school or the Lloydminster Public School Division.  The notification will be made as quickly as possible after other emergency responders, such as the police and fire department, have been contacted.
  7. School Incident Reports shall be completed and filed with the Director of Education’s office immediately following an incident (Lloydminster Public School Division Emergency Response Plan Appendix D-1 http://www.lpsd.ca/download/39267).
  8. The Director of Education or designate may call response team members together to plan a Lloydminster Public School Division response to the crisis situation.
  9. The Director of Education or designate will act as the primary spokesperson for the Lloydminster Public School Division with respect to the media.  In the event of a school emergency situation, the Director of Education, in conjunction with the Principal and the Communications Coordinator, will prepare a statement that will be circulated to inform parents/caregivers and the media.
  10. If appropriate, a press conference will be conducted under the direction of the Director of Education, who will designate any other spokespersons.
  11. When a crisis situation occurs at the school level, school personnel will be the first responders to the incident and will take charge of managing the situation.  The Principal is responsible for notifying both the Tragic Events Response Team (TERT) and other emergency service providers when necessary.  The initial communication shall be directed to the Director of Education or designate.
  12. Upon receiving notification of a crisis situation, the Director of Education or designate will:
    1. Obtain all factual information available about the crisis situation.
    2. Prepare a preliminary statement including the Lloydminster Public School Division response for use with the media, if appropriate.
    3. Coordinate with emergency responders, where possible.

Section 85, 87 Education Act, 1995

December 2017
August 2023