Administrative Procedure 450
Lloydminster Public School Division supports the use of volunteers in our schools. Volunteers are people who, upon the request of the school division or principal, willingly undertake a service to schools without remuneration. Volunteer services to schools include, but are not limited to, internships, field experience/practicum students, supervising curricular activities, coaching/supervising extracurricular activities, transporting students, and being an SCC Member.
Ensuring a safe and caring environment for students is the primary consideration in the selection and use of volunteers. Being a volunteer within the school division carries certain responsibilities and expectations. Volunteers are bound by the same code of confidentiality expected of all staff members of the division. It is inappropriate to discuss students collectively or individually outside the school as a result of information gained as a volunteer.
- The principal shall be responsible for the selection and approval of all volunteers in their schools.
- All volunteers who, in the purview of the principal, will not be alone with students nor in a position of authority over students, shall not require a Criminal Record Check with a Vulnerable Sector Check.
- Criminal Record Check (CRC) and Vulnerable Sector Check (VSC)
- All volunteers who, in the purview of the principal, will be alone with students in a position of authority, shall require a Criminal Record Check with a Vulnerable Sector Check.
- CRCs and VSCs must have been completed within the past six months for all new volunteers in Lloydminster Public School Division.
- Volunteers are required to have a CRC and VSC completed every three years.
- If an individual from an outside agency is required to provide their services in Lloydminster Public School Division, a CRC will be required.
- If the outside agency has a CRC policy in place, individuals will not be required to have an additional CRC completed, while providing services in Lloydminster Public School Division.
- Any costs associated or incurred by a volunteer in the process of obtaining their CRC/VSC, from a division or school initiated volunteer request, will be reimbursed by the school division.
- In the event further information is required regarding the criminal record status of a volunteer, the volunteer must sign an affidavit in order to be approved. The volunteer’s affidavit shall remain in effect until such time as the completed CRC and/or VSC has been received. The Director of Education (or designate) may, at their discretion, request updates regarding the status of the CRC with a VSC.
- Volunteers must immediately inform the Principal if there is a change in their criminal record status.
- Principals must immediately inform the Director of Education, or designate, in regards to any changes they become aware of.
- Completed Criminal Record Checks will be kept on file by the school administration.
- The Director of Education, or designate, will annually conduct audits of selected schools of this administrative procedure.
- All volunteers must sign in at the school office when arriving and sign out when leaving.
- Volunteers must work under the supervision of a school division employee, with the exception noted in Section 6 below.
- As per the criteria in Lloydminster Public School Division AP 451 - Non-Teacher and Community Coaches, an approved non-teacher or community coach may be able to independently supervise students during practices, games, and tournaments (not including overnight trips).
- Principals shall ensure all volunteer non-teacher and community coaches meet the requirements of the Saskatchewan High School Athletic Association (SHSAA).
- Volunteers will be considered agents of the Division and under the Division insurance plan while engaged in their volunteer tasks.
- Principals have the right to request volunteers to withdraw their services where it is deemed to be in the best interests of the students or school to do so.
- The Principal shall ensure all requirements are met in the event a volunteer may be transporting students for school curricular or extracurricular events or activities.
- Parents are not considered volunteers when meeting the requirement of parent engagement in the classroom defined as part of school programming (ex. Pre-Kindergarten)
Volunteer - refers to someone who gives their time in support of helping others with no expectation of gain or material benefit in return. Volunteerism refers to the act of volunteering through community service activities.
Criminal Record Check (CRC) -This process verifies whether an individual has a criminal record and provides the applicant with detailed information that can be legally disclosed.
Vulnerable Sector Check (VSC) - This process verifies whether an individual has a criminal record, as well as any record suspensions (formerly pardons) for sexual offences and local police records for information relevant to the VSC. The information that can be legally disclosed is provided to the applicant.
Sections 85, 87, 175 Education Act
The Local Authority Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act
Criminal Code of Canada
Criminal Records Act
Criminal Records Regulations
Approved: December 2024